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I'm excited to offer you a custom tapping video, created just for you and your unique needs.


You can tap along at home, whenever you need, without the pressure of scheduling a live session.


After you fill out an assessment, I'll take the time to understand your specific concerns and craft a brief, custom tapping session that directly addresses what's on your mind.


Whether you're looking to ease stress, manage anxiety, or work through a specific challenge, this video will offer you tools and support tailored to your journey.


This is a simple and powerful way to take a step towards emotional balance and well-being.


What's Included:


  • Core Causes Questions Form & Analysis: Delve deep into your inner world with this thought-provoking questionnaire. Your responses will guide the creation of your custom tapping session, ensuring it directly addresses your unique concerns.


  • Custom Tapping Video: Experience the power of personalized healing with a tapping session crafted just for you. This video is designed to resonate with your specific challenges, providing a profound sense of support and guidance.


  • Bonus Introduction to Tapping Video: New to tapping? No problem! This introductory video will guide you through the basics, making it easy to start your tapping journey with confidence.


Tapping Video (Custom)

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