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Empower Your Journey

Transformational Coaching with Hannah Zosman

Empowerment | Embodiment | Trauma Healing

Welcome to Heart-Led Transformational Coaching.

If you've been feeling...


  • ​burnt out, stuck, or like you're in "autopilot"​

  • ​disconnected from your body with little access to inner peace​

  • ​burdened by negative thought loops, heavy emotions, and self-criticism


and you want to break free from these cycles and step into a life of empowerment and intention, you are in the right place.


I'm Hannah, and I specialize in helping you navigate the journey from feeling stuck and disconnected to living a life full of purpose, groundedness, and healthy communication.

Breathe easier. Laugh louder. Live from your heart.

My unique transformational process combines:

  • Tapping/EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), 

  • the best of Eastern and Western therapeutic coaching practices,

  • the power of mindful movement & breathworkand optional

  • psychedelic wellness concierge services

to deepen your inner knowing, self-love, and authentic expression.


Together, we illuminate subconscious patterns that do not serve you and we rewire them to align with your greatest desires.


What My Clients Are Saying...

"I haven’t ever felt this deeply seen and heard. Hannah is an intuitive and caring healer. She radiates from within and stays present throughout the entirety of our sessions. I felt safe to explore parts of myself that had been hiding for far too long."

Tanya Q, TX

Offerings...From My Heart To Yours:

The 90-Day Psychedelic Sanctuary

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This signature three-month program is the ultimate sanctuary for coming home to your body, trusting your intuition, and living with intention...


...using psychedelics and immersive therapeutic experiences as a catalyst for lasting transformation.


Tapping/Emotional Freedom Technique

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Just one session of tapping/EFT can shift your mind into a calm, empowered state which is why...


...I offer emotional freedom technique as a standalone service, in addition to using it throughout my programs.


Schedule now to tap away stress and tap into peace.

Twilight Sunset

More Love from Previous Clients...



  • What is your approach/philosophy as a therapeutic coach?
    My approach as a therapeutic coach is rooted in the belief that life is a profound journey most easily navigated with adaptability, integrity, and grace. We are all perfectly imperfect humans, exploring the nooks and crannies of this existence, walking each other home. I see each individual as the expert of their own experience, and my role is to guide you in uncovering your innate wisdom and potential. I view life as a tapestry of stories and choices, where each person has the power to shape their narrative and live in alignment with their values and Universal Love. Central to my practice is the cultivation of self-compassion and gratitude. I believe that healing and growth arise from a place of self-acceptance and appreciation for the present moment. My practice is trauma-informed, drawing from professional training and personal insight. It is essential to me to remain impartial, open, and compassionate, holding space for all parts of you…the good, the bad, and the ugly…the beautiful, the guilty, the hungry, the content, the angry, the accomplished, the joyous, the grumpy, the neutral, the grateful, and on and on ∞ All of you is welcome here. I hold the view that everyone is deserving of support and has intrinsic value. My guiding principles include humility, compassion, tolerance, and a deep commitment to personal and collective evolution. I strive to create a safe and supportive space for my clients to explore their inner world, heal past wounds, and cultivate a sense of empowerment and purpose in their lives.
  • How do you handle confidentiality and ethics?
    In my coaching practice, confidentiality, boundaries, and ethics are key. I adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct and confidentiality, ensuring that everything shared in our sessions remains private. This includes messages, homework, and documents, which are all kept confidential. I maintain clear boundaries to nurture a respectful and supportive coaching relationship. These boundaries include guidelines for communication and response times, as well as a commitment to professionalism. If any conflicts of interest arise, I have procedures in place to handle them promptly and ethically. Confidentiality, boundaries, and ethics are fundamental values that shape my coaching practice. Your trust is of utmost importance to me, and I always strive to provide a safe and confidential space for our work together.
  • What training and experience led you here?
    My journey embodies transformation and resilience, shaped by over 8 years as a yoga teacher, wellness educator, and self-help aficionado. For the past 3 years, I've been committed to organizing and facilitating plant medicine retreats, particularly for veterans grappling with challenges like PTSD, mTBI, and addiction. I've completed extensive training in Transformational Recovery and Psychedelic Integration through Deanne Adamson's Being True to You Coach Training, and advanced training in Tapping/Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) through Sonya Sophia’s School of the Living Arts. With a background in engineering and project management, I used to live in my left-brain head and be very disembodied. This experience uniquely equips me to help those living in their heads become embodied, as I've undergone this rewarding transformation myself. I deeply resonate with the archetype of the "wounded healer," having navigated my own path to healing from C-PTSD, addiction, depression, and anxiety. My personal journey has gifted me with insights that surpass any formal training: an innate compassion and insightful intuition born from lived experience. My journey has been guided by powerful psychosomatic tools, including plant medicine, somatic release, trauma release, tapping/EFT, parts work, breathwork, yoga, and bodywork. Additionally, my path has been enriched by the philosophies of Attachment Theory, Nonviolent Communication, Zen Buddhism, and Non-duality. These tools and principles form the foundation of my practice, enabling me to support others on their unique paths to healing and growth.
  • How do you incorporate psychedelics and/or transformational retreats into your practice?
    I view the psychedelic experience as a potent catalyst for change, much like other immersive transformative experiences such as women’s retreats, ice bath retreats, and Vipassana meditation retreats. No matter the immersive experience you choose, my coaching program is designed to support your evolution. If you have a psychedelic or transformational retreat scheduled, I will tailor our coaching sessions to align with your retreat date. If you have not yet scheduled a psychedelic or transformational retreat, we can collaborate to design a custom 1:1 or group retreat that meets your specific needs. Alternatively, I can provide you with trusted resources to help you find a retreat provider that aligns with your goals.
  • How do you incorporate tapping/EFT into your practice?
    Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), combines modern psychology with ancient Chinese acupressure. By tapping on specific meridian points while focusing on negative emotions, it helps reduce psychological distress, release tension, and instill positive beliefs. Tapping/EFT offers benefits like reduced stress, anxiety, and pain, and promotes inner peace. It fosters self-awareness and self-compassion, creating harmony between mind and body. I offer 1:1 tapping sessions focused solely on tapping/EFT and incorporate brief tapping sessions in my therapeutic coaching and 90-Day Psychedelic Sanctuary program. Tapping is a versatile tool for mind-body harmony that we will use often in our work together.
  • I don’t have a psychedelic retreat on the calendar. Is this still the right program for me?
    Yes, absolutely! If you don't have a psychedelic retreat scheduled, we have options: We can work together to plan a custom 1:1 or group retreat tailored to your needs. I can provide you with a list of trusted retreat providers for you to explore and choose based on your own preferences.
  • I'm not sure about psychedelics but I am ready for transformation. Is this still the right program for me?
    My program is here to support your transformation, no matter which path you decide on. While the psychedelic experience is powerful, there are numerous other transformative experiences to consider. You might explore: yoga & mindfulness retreats, women’s retreats, ice bath retreats, Vipassana meditation retreats, or other immersive experiences that help you unplug from daily life and connect deeply with yourself. Being in a supportive container to prepare for and then integrate your experience can help you reap the most benefits from it.
  • How much time do I need to devote to this program each week to see results?
    At minimum, you’ll want to make sure you engage in our weekly 1:1 coaching calls (~60 minutes). For best results, commit to two hours of time per week (60 minutes for coaching; 60 minutes for practicing what you learned that week).
  • How long will I have access to the program materials?
    You’ll have lifetime access to the program materials, so you can revisit them if and when you need them at any time in the future.
  • What is your refund policy?
    If you go through the entire program, show up for 90% of the coaching calls, implement the homework to the best of your ability, and do not see a significant change in how you feel, I will refund you 100% of the program cost. If an unforeseen circumstance happens that causes you to miss more than 50% of the coaching calls or become unable to pay for the program (serious illness, death of a loved one, loss of job, or similar circumstance), you can pause payments and rejoin the program from the beginning when you are ready. Any payments made up to that point will be applied to the next round of the program and the investment for this round will be honored even if the cost of the program increases. If you start the program and decide for any reason within the first 30 days that the program is not a good fit for you, you will only be responsible for 30% of the program cost. If you paid in installments, you will not be required to pay for the rest of the program. If you paid in full, you will receive 70% of your payment back.
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